Internationally Recognized Tour and Travel Agency Training and Certification

tour and travel

Internationally Recognized Tour and Travel Agency Training and Certification

This training program gives a thorough grounding in tour and travel industry management, operations and serves as a companion to related HR and tourism training. This curriculum focuses on four key topics: operations and strategies, travel and tour management, vendors, and facilities management. It prepares you for the role of a tour and travel manager, specializing in planning, implementation, management, financial planning, and long-term strategies for the organization. The program helps you acquire skills and knowledge required for leading small and medium-sized tour and travel operations.

The core concepts you will gain in this program are: managing schedules, staff selection, travel and tour administration, documenting travel expenses, employee relations, group dynamics, vendor management, financial management, and human resource development. Additional topics include airport security, first aid, medical travel, personal safety, customs, evacuation and safety, and leisure and entertainment requirements. The program also includes two internships and related training. These internships are provided by leading tour and travel operations companies and provide valuable experience for new managers. The program also includes two years of special education study that addresses topics such as leadership, management, teamwork, and risk management.

This training program is designed to prepare students for successful careers in tour and travel agencies. Many students opt to complete their training while working in the field as travel agents. Graduates of this program gain work experience and the ability to successfully perform the responsibilities of tour and travel agents. Graduates have the ability to secure full-time positions or begin part-time jobs in these agencies. Graduates also have opportunities to obtain certification for specific areas of travel within the industry, such as commercial travel and tourism, freight forwarders and logistics, and air carriers and charter services.